July and August are a crossroads for seasonal plantings.
You can still plant some fast-growing summer crops for the remainder of the warm season: bush snap beans, cucumbers, summer lettuce, chard, okra, purslane, and Jewels of Opar.
Fall specialties should be planted now to enjoy during until very cold weather
You can still plant some fast-growing summer crops for the remainder of the warm season: bush snap beans, cucumbers, summer lettuce, chard, okra, purslane, and Jewels of Opar.
Fall specialties should be planted now to enjoy during until very cold weather
Mid-to-Late Summer Sowings

Fall in Italy Collection

Summer Salad Collection

Plant-for-Winter Collection

Jewels of Opar Edible Flower

Cornetto Escarole

Carosello "Leccese Light Green" Cucumber

Scarlet Keeper Carrot

Selma Fino Fennel

$3.30 - $11.00
$3.30 - $11.00

Cima di Rapa Quarantina, 30-day Raab
$3.50 - $10.00
$3.50 - $10.00

Winter King Savoy Cabbage
$3.50 - $6.00
$3.50 - $6.00

Pericon, Sweet Mace, Mexican Tarragon


Seven Top Turnip Greens (Cima di Rapa)
$3.50 - $13.00
$3.50 - $13.00

Sugar Magnolia Snap Pea

King Seig Leek

Salad Burnet
$3.50 - $9.00
$3.50 - $9.00

Golden Purslane

Forage Chicory

Chicory "Trieste Sweet"

Madeley Broadleafed Kale

$3.50 - $6.00
$3.50 - $6.00

Halblange Parsnip
$3.50 - $10.00
$3.50 - $10.00

Starfire Gem Marigolds

Dakota Tears Yellow Storage Onion

Baltic Red Kale

Umpqua Broccoli
$3.50 - $7.50
$3.50 - $7.50

Joan Rutabaga

Shin Kuroda Carrot
$3.50 - $11.00
$3.50 - $11.00

Basil, "Opalescent"

Spigarello (Leaf Broccoli) Riccia
$3.50 - $8.00
$3.50 - $8.00

Old-Timey Blue Collards
$3.50 - $15.00
$3.50 - $15.00

Early Half-Tall Brussels Sprouts

Cascade Glaze Collards

Perennial Arugula, Rucola selvatica, Wild Rocket "Sylvetta
$3.50 - $15.00
$3.50 - $15.00

Edible Flower Collection

Nasturtium "Jewel Mix"

Evergreen White Bunching Onion (Nebuka)
$3.50 - $11.00
$3.50 - $11.00

Bronze Fennel

Erba Stella, Minutina